Turning the Big 5-0 is a big deal. In our parent’s and grandparent’s day turning 50 meant you gave up your long locks and got a short bob faster than you could say “Senior Citizen discount!” Today it means you’re just getting started. The Golden Years are just shimmering on the horizon. The thought of an empty nest and the promise of a lady lair is just a Pinterest click away. If you’re unsure of what to say when wishing a newly minted 50 joyful birthday sentiments, this simple guide will help you from getting hoof and mouth disease and destroying a friendship. Just because 50 is a half century, doesn’t mean they still don’t have excellent memories. They will remember, so choose your words wisely.
Say: Congratulations!
Not: Congratulations because I guess it’s either this or death!
Say: You look great!
Not: You look great for your age!
Say: Can I help you find a way to celebrate?
Not: Can I help you find a way to keep this secret?
Say: You must have a lot you still want to do!
Not: You must have a lot you still want to do at the cosmetic surgery center!
Say: If you want to go gray, go gray.
Not: If you want to go gray, go gray away from me because I don’t want to be seen with an old woman.
Say: Dance all night!
Not: Dance all night but don’t break a hip!
Say: Eat, drink and be merry!
Not: Eat, drink and be merry but don’t forget the Metamucil!
Say: You don’t look a day over 45!
Not: You don’t look a day over 45 from far away!
Say: Please share your beauty secrets!
Not: Please share your beauty secrets so I can avoid them!
Say: You’re the fountain of youth!
Not: You’re the fountain of youth but it’s looking a little murky!
Say: Everyone should look as good as you!
Not: Everyone should look as good as you for 60!
Say: You’re fifty and fabulous!
Not: You’re fifty and fabulous, have you bought a burial plot yet?